Dark Matter



Photography by Ericj Loo – Instagram @ericj_studio

Creative director Mughni Che Din

Make-up and hair by Shawn Goh

Model is Valentijn Haalebos @valentijn_haalebos @notoysmodels @iconmodelkl


We are currently living in an era that is progressing towards a more inclusive, diverse and open-minded existence. It’s time to stop limiting our concept of fashion to the two gender constructs, “male” and “female”. Clothing is simply a form of expression and should not come with labels and set boxes.

The Approach

Brands used are Prada, Rick Owens, Kit Woo, Givenchy, Joe Chia, Alexander McQueen, and Fleet Ilya.

Revolves around the concept of androgyny, gender fluidity and rebellion. From BDSM-inspired leathers and avant-garde outerwear to cool headgear– It’s time to embrace polarity, not just of the sexes but also our darkest behaviour.

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